Juneau County
Emergency Assistance Fund
These funds are used as one time gifts to help out people caught in a bind. This can be a number of different things, but a month’s rent, electric bills, and transportation assistance are a few examples. The fund was created to make sure every day needs are met, but is also only a one time gift so the beneficiary doesn’t become dependent on SOW funds.
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
These funds are used for activities, needs, and loans for Human Services consumers with mental health or substance abuse issues. Case managers build relationships with these consumers and ensure that funds are spent wisely on group social activities, limited one-time client needs, and short term loans.
Contact Dawn Buchholz at the Juneau County Department of Health and Human Services at 608-847-9472 or email at dbuchholz@co.juneau.wi.us to see if you qualify for assistance.